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Casino Slovakia

To make the country as attractive as possible for tourists, local authorities use various possibilities. One of them is gambling subjects. Today, Slovakia is considered a good place for casino fans, since the country has created favorable conditions for the development of such a business. Here they took a course not to fight gambling, but to develop this sphere, while trying to extract maximum benefit for the state.

Casino SlovakiaSince there are no harsh laws in Slovakia and no one oppresses even ordinary gaming clubs, it is not surprising that this particular country is considered the most attractive for gambling business. The situation is similar with virtual casinos. The secret of success is that they are all subject to minimum tax rates.

Perhaps, by the number of functioning casinos, Slovakia is not a leader, but there are plenty of them and they continue to appear. A special honor in the country of poker. You can play it in almost any gambling establishment, the poker federation is also active. The peculiarity of the staff of any gambling establishment is an excellent command of English. Pretty good Slovaks understand and Russian-speaking visitors.

A little about the country
Slovakia can not be attributed to large states. It is a compact and at the same time cozy country in the very center of Europe. Its population does not exceed 5.5 million inhabitants. The main city of Slovakia is Bratislava, and the official language is Slovak.

The history of the country dates back to the V century. The territories on which modern Slovakia now stands now began to be settled by immigrants precisely at that time. In different eras, it was part of the various principalities (Nitransky, Hungarian), Great Moravia, Austria-Hungary, until eventually it became the Slovak Republic as part of the then single Czechoslovakia. And only in 1993, after a peaceful partition, the Czech Republic and Slovakia each went their own way.

Since 2004, the country joined the EU. From that time to the present day, a small Slovakia is rapidly developing in all respects and becomes attractive in terms of investment. Therefore, it is not surprising that gambling industry is progressing against this background by leaps and bounds. And this is facilitated by the thoughtful policy of the authorities, which, on the one hand, creates the appropriate conditions for the opening of gambling establishments, and on the other – albeit unobtrusively, but controls all the processes occurring in this area. As a result, absolutely everyone is the winner – the casino, the state, the players.

Slovakia and Gambling
Those tourists who go to this small country come not only to play in stylish and sometimes aristocratic casinos, but also to touch historical monuments, visit magnificent castles belonging to different eras, swim in hot springs, etc. In short, have a good rest, gain new impressions and satisfy the feeling of excitement. And, believe me, all the conditions have been created for this.

The issue of legalization of gambling entertainment in Slovakia was approached very loyally, unlike in many countries of the world. Since it’s interesting to the people, why ban it? Such is the slogan and guided by the authorities of the country. Moreover, this can be a good way to replenish the treasury and attract additional attention of tourists. The current model of the gambling business, which functions here, is recognized by many experts as perhaps the most successful in the world.

Of course, under the strict guidance of the government, practically all the operating gambling establishments in Slovakia were withdrawn from the shadows, from the smallest clubs to large casinos. At the same time, they all pay taxes and are subject to state control. It’s just that everything was done so competently and gently that it was possible to observe the interests of all interested parties.

Not observed in Slovakia trends and the monopolization of gambling. This creates prerequisites for healthy competition and continuous improvement of the services offered by the casino. And the authorities have enough of the fact that the owners of a gambling establishment pay a 19% tax on profits. For each slot machine placed in the casino, the owner pays another $ 2,000.

Russia has made a significant contribution to the development of the gambling business in Slovakia. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. After the Russian Federation began to tighten the conditions for the owners of casinos and other gambling establishments, many of them chose to curtail business there and look at Slovakia.

Online casino in Slovakia
Online casinos in Slovakia are also in demand and work quietly throughout the country based on current EU legislation and regulations. To organize a virtual gambling establishment you will have to acquire a license, and only then open the site with slots and board games. It is important that the Slovaks have no obstacles in this regard.

The situation is more complicated with foreign online casino operators. Here, regulators often sin by blocking a particular resource, arranging a kind of face control.

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