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Estonian casino

Despite the fact that lately the Estonian gambling business has had to go through quite a few difficult moments – this is the financial world crisis, and the tightening of legislation by the government, and other negative aspects – it continues to not only function successfully, but also to develop.

Of course, all these factors, let’s say, contributed to some “cleansing” in the ranks of gambling operators. Owners of small casinos were forced to close them because of unprofitability, but large gambling houses, on the contrary, increased their income even more. Contributed to this and the opening of online casinos.

Estonian casinos Roulette enjoys the greatest success among Estonians, but not far from it are poker and slot machines. It would probably be correct to introduce the Eesti Loto state lottery here. After all, according to statistics, almost 80% of Estonian citizens play it.

Although the Balts themselves love gambling, the casinos in Estonia receive the bulk of their income from tourists. Outside of competition among them the Finns, which is explained by the geographical proximity of the two countries. Recently, however, there has been a trend indicating that Russians often become guests of local casinos, whose number will soon be equal to the Finns.

According to the Estonian Ministry of Tourism, about 800,000 Finnish citizens visit the country on average annually, while they spent 1.6 million nights here. In second place, Russians are confidently behind, four times behind the Finns. It is fair to say that those numbers did not include those who stayed with friends or relatives, came to Estonia for just one day or arrived here on cruise ships.

In terms of age, Russians are younger than the Finns or Swedes. Unlike Scandinavian tourists, Russians are more wasteful. They, as a rule, choose not only expensive hotels, but also those in which there is necessarily a casino. Yes, and they leave the money much more than their northern neighbors in the hope of disrupting a big win.

Gambling business development in Estonia
The first gambling establishments appeared in the country immediately after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and its former republics gained independence. The pace of development of the gambling business in Estonia simply amazed. Especially after the country became an EU member. Now the authorities are introducing more stringent amendments to the laws regulating the gambling business, but, oddly enough, they are only for his benefit.

It’s hard to believe, but four years ago there were about 200 different gambling establishments in Estonia (casinos, gambling halls and others). Owned all this wealth of only 19 people, among whom was quite a serious competition. An attractive investment climate in the end created a situation where the players simply did not have enough for all casinos. The legislative plan did not provide for any restrictive measures. Anyone who wanted to open a gambling establishment could do it in Estonia without problems. After the necessary amendments were adopted, only large players remained on the market, and their small competitors were forced to leave.

I would like to separately note how skillfully the Estonian authorities have directed the greater dependence of their citizens on gambling entertainment for the benefit of all. All gambling establishments pay a fairly high tax rate, and the bulk of the proceeds go to the development of culture (46%). The rest is distributed between the Red Cross and the financing of programs that allow them to help those in need, including children.

A lot of cultural projects and events are organized with the same funds: books are produced, festivals are held, films are shot and much more. Despite the fact that in Estonia these areas are also funded from the state budget, it is often the money that is received from gambling taxes that is used. In other words, players who leave money in a casino finance most cultural projects and events, while free funds from the treasury go to other important matters.

Estonian gambling legislation
Although anyone can play Estonian casinos, there are certain requirements for visiting it. So, if you decide to go quench the feeling of excitement, then do not forget to bring your passport or any other document that allows you to establish your identity. At the time of the visit to the gambling establishment you must be at least 21 years old. At the entrance to any casino visitors are easy to register.

Surprisingly, with the current age restrictions, even kids can still join gambling and spend time behind the slot machines on cruise or passenger liners. Restricted for children and the size of the maximum rate, which is 10 euros.

There are certain requirements for the placement of casinos. They can be located either in a separate building or be part of a hotel complex, an entertainment or commercial center.

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