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Casinos in Karlovy Vary

Visiting the spa town of Karlovy Vary always causes a festive mood, because in this small town there is everything for a pleasant stay. Here everyone can find entertainment for themselves to taste. Cultural and social activities are envisaged for both young and old people.

First, you should explore the city sights, which will take not so much time.

Casino Karlovy Vary

For lovers of active recreation there are excellent tennis courts, golf courses, a magnificent swimming pool filled with water from a natural thermal spring, a riding school and a shooting range are located near the city.

For those who like to plunge into cultural events, various festivals, concerts, balls, and costumed shows are regularly held. The congress of the European aristocracy, held in late April, is striking in its magnificence and grandeur. Tourists are offered a city theater and an art gallery. For lovers of chamber music, a symphony orchestra sounds every day at the Mill Colonnade.

There are many nightclubs and discos in the city, there is a casino in Karlovy Vary.

In the hotels “Central 3 *”, “Eliška 4 *” billiard clubs are open daily for visiting guests and locals.

“Casino 777” is popular as a place of leisure with a cue in hand, which contributes to the warm atmosphere and low prices of the institution.

Local young people and tourists with pleasure visit popular discos “Shantan” and “Peklo”.

Casino review in Karlovy Vary
Gambling enthusiasts are looking forward to gambling establishments in elite hotels with a variety of gaming tables and slot machines.

The most popular casino in Karlovy Vary is located at the Grandhotel Pupp. Famous for this hotel brought the filming of the film “Casino Royale” about the adventures of James Bond.

This gambling establishment takes its visitors daily from twenty in the evening until four in the morning. The following games are offered to the attention of visitors: American Roulette, Blackjack, Oasis Stud Poker, Russian Poker. For those who want to have the opportunity to play slot machines.

Rates from visitors can be made in Czech crowns or euros. During the game, guests also use accept cards Visa, EC / MC, Diners, Club, Variant.

For those who like to raise the level of adrenaline in the blood or try yourself for good luck, at the Carlsbad Plaza hotel every day from eighteen hours to four in the morning the Casino gambling establishment awaits its visitors. The casino company Slot Casino, which has long and successfully established itself in the Czech gaming business, is managing this casino.

Here you can play American Roulette, Blackjack, Pontoon (British Blackjack), Studio Poker. In the gambling establishment there are also slot machines that are popular not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad.

Bets are accepted in Czech crowns or euros.

Such facilities are present in almost all hotels in the city. And if this is not luxurious, striking with its magnificence and sense of casino style, as a maximum, then slot machines, at a minimum.

The main visitors to the gambling establishments are tourists, since the inhabitants of the Czech Republic do not particularly welcome gambling.

The gambling business of the city, which is legally permitted in the country, is mainly concentrated in the hands of foreigners.

Despite this, there are cases of organization and functioning of underground gambling clubs, for owners of which their exposure is fraught with criminal liability (in Russia for such an offense only administrative liability is provided with confiscation of property of a gambling establishment).

The cost of a ready-made gambling business is high, as licenses for it are issued in the Czech Republic without a time limit. According to the laws of the country, it can be sold together with the building or as a separate business.

Problems arise when, as a result of verification, violations are detected. In this case, the license to conduct a gambling business is revoked.

Attitude of the residents of Karlovy Vary to the casino
A particular concern of local residents in certain areas of Karlovy Vary is caused by a sharp increase in the number of pubs with gaming machines. Inhabitants of the districts Ribarje and Tugnitsa filed a petition to the mayor’s office on this matter. They are worried about the fact that the gambling business in their hometown is flourishing and developing at a rapid pace, which can be caused by the close connection between the gambling houses and the authorities. The first persons of the city explained to their fellow citizens their inaction by the absence in the Czech legislation of levers of influence on the gambling business.

Today, the Czech law on gambling requires revision and does not give broad powers to local governments in relation to casino owners.

It should be noted that the owners of slot machines allocate large funds for charity and sports events of the city.

Therefore, for the city authorities, the problem of gambling is not a painful one that requires immediate resolution, but rather a topic for discussion.

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