European casinos, the best real gambling establishments in various European countries
It is known that the history of gambling goes back a long way. And originally this kind of entertainment appeared in Greece and Ancient Rome. True, at that time these…

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Laos Casino
Today there are only two official casinos in Laos. Its main visitors are foreign tourists and wealthy citizens of neighboring Thailand. It is with this wealthy country that Laos borders…

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Casino Alexandria, the best gambling houses in Alexandria
Casino Alexandria, the best gambling houses in Alexandria Strange as it may sound, the history of gambling has a fairly long time. Few people know that as far back as…

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Casino Kazakhstan, gambling zones and Kazakhstan casinos
The gambling law of Kazakhstan does not prohibit gambling, but, like Russia, all gambling establishments in the country should be located only in specially designated places: on the coast of…


gambling establishment

Gambling in France

France and excitement are integral parts of each other, because it was here that the first progenitors of modern gambling establishments appeared. And it is not at all surprising that it was here in the 17th century that the first gambling house appeared, which the locals met with indignation. The chief financial curator, who was put in the service of Louis XIV, ordered to open the first gambling establishment to replenish the state treasury. Continue reading

Monterrey Casino
Until 2006, the gambling business in this country was not distributed, in principle, as it is now. If at that time there were only 200 gambling establishments in the country,…


Moscow casino
Since July 1, 2009, the gambling business in the Russian Federation has ceased to exist. Gambling was permitted only in specially designated four zones located in the Krasnodar Territory (Azov-City),…
